⓵ BOX POLLO 3 KG OMAGGIO OGNI 100€ - 1 Kg di Cosce, 1 Kg di Ali e 1 Kg di Petto.

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At the heart of our farm, animals live at the center of an environment that deeply respects their well-being and their natural inclination towards freedom. In this context, we are committed to ensuring that each animal can express itself in harmony with the nature that surrounds it, guaranteeing it large and comfortable spaces in which to move, live and grow.

Amplitude and Freedom: Our breeding vision is based on a fundamental principle: offering each animal large spaces in which to enjoy freedom of movement essential for their physical and mental well-being. This philosophy translates into an environment where animals can explore, interact and rest, following their natural rhythms and without constraints.

Harmonious and Natural Growth: We firmly believe in growth that respects the times dictated by nature. For this reason, we refrain from using intensive practices, letting each animal develop at a natural and healthy pace. This attention to biological cycles guarantees not only the health of the animals, but also the superior quality of the resulting products.

A Commitment to Total Wellbeing: The well-being of our animals is at the center of our every choice and action. From daily care to nutrition, from the environment in which they live to the attention they enjoy, every detail is taken care of to ensure them a dignified and peaceful life. Our team of experts is constantly committed to maintaining and improving the living conditions of animals, in a context of respect and continuous care.

An Integrated and Respected Animal Community: Our farm is a real community, where every animal is recognized as a precious member. Respect for their individuality and their role within the agricultural ecosystem is an essential component of our work ethic. This holistic approach is reflected in a balanced environment, where animal health and welfare are inextricably linked to the quality of the products we offer.


  • "La prima Azienda Agricola a vendere online direttamente a casa i propri prodotti freschi."

  • "Ambasciatori del made in Italy da oltre 100 anni."

  • "La vera carne a circuito chiuso (nata, cresciuta e macellata in Azienda), come tanti anni fa."


Inciso nel cuore delle nostre radici, "Corte Preziosa" è il risultato di una storia di famiglia tramandata di generazione in generazione. La passione per gli animali e l'amore per la terra sono stati tramessi di padre in figlio, e oggi, queste antiche tradizioni si fondono con un'innovativa dedizione al benessere degli animali e alla creazione di un'esperienza culinaria davvero unica.
Così, ogni volta che i nostri prodotti entrano nella vostra cucina, portano con sé un'eredità di dedizione, passione e rispetto per la natura. Siamo fieri di offrirvi una carne che è il risultato di una storia di famiglia, di una missione etica che portiamo avanti con onore e orgoglio.
Benvenuti nella nostra "Corte Preziosa," dove gusto e tradizione si fondono in un'esperienza culinaria senza pari.