⓵ BOX POLLO 3 KG OMAGGIO OGNI 100€ - 1 Kg di Cosce, 1 Kg di Ali e 1 Kg di Petto.

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In the exclusive context of our farm, we have the privilege of hosting a unique innovation in Italy: our company slaughterhouse, a cutting-edge plant dedicated exclusively to the slaughter and processing of meat produced within our company. This allows us to guarantee a completely integrated and controlled supply chain, which goes from field to fork with a level of care and attention to detail unprecedented in the Italian panorama.

Exclusivity and Innovation: Our company slaughterhouse represents a real revolution in the sector, being the only one in Italy to dedicate itself exclusively to the processing of meat from our farms. This allows us not only to monitor every phase of the process with very high standards of quality and safety, but also to intervene in a targeted manner to preserve the integrity and organoleptic properties of our meat.

Complete Control of the Supply Chain: Having an internal slaughterhouse means being able to manage every aspect of production, from the birth of the animal to the finished product. This direct control guarantees total transparency and absolute traceability, offering our customers the security of consuming meat of certain provenance, processed according to the highest standards of hygiene and compliance with regulations.

Respect and Animal Welfare: The welfare of our animals is an absolute priority at every stage of their life cycle, including the moment of slaughter. Our company slaughterhouse was designed following the most modern principles of animal welfare, to guarantee delicate and respectful procedures. This ethical approach is reflected in the superior quality of the meat we offer, the result of a philosophy that places the animal and its well-being at the center of every process.

Unparalleled Quality and Freshness: Thanks to the immediate proximity between the breeding site and our slaughterhouse, we are able to significantly reduce the time between slaughter and processing, guaranteeing unrivaled freshness and quality of the product. This unique advantage translates into more tender, tastier and nutrient-rich meats, capable of satisfying even the most demanding palates.

Commitment to the Environment and Community: Our choice to integrate a slaughterhouse within our company also reflects a deep commitment to environmental sustainability and the well-being of the local community. By reducing the need for long transport and ensuring optimal resource management, we actively contribute to reducing environmental impact, while promoting the economic development of the area


  • "La prima Azienda Agricola a vendere online direttamente a casa i propri prodotti freschi."

  • "Ambasciatori del made in Italy da oltre 100 anni."

  • "La vera carne a circuito chiuso (nata, cresciuta e macellata in Azienda), come tanti anni fa."


Inciso nel cuore delle nostre radici, "Corte Preziosa" è il risultato di una storia di famiglia tramandata di generazione in generazione. La passione per gli animali e l'amore per la terra sono stati tramessi di padre in figlio, e oggi, queste antiche tradizioni si fondono con un'innovativa dedizione al benessere degli animali e alla creazione di un'esperienza culinaria davvero unica.
Così, ogni volta che i nostri prodotti entrano nella vostra cucina, portano con sé un'eredità di dedizione, passione e rispetto per la natura. Siamo fieri di offrirvi una carne che è il risultato di una storia di famiglia, di una missione etica che portiamo avanti con onore e orgoglio.
Benvenuti nella nostra "Corte Preziosa," dove gusto e tradizione si fondono in un'esperienza culinaria senza pari.