We are pleased to present our company to you, a cutting-edge company in the meat processing sector that has made sustainable energy its production philosophy. With an innovative and responsible approach, we have dedicated ourselves to the implementation of a photovoltaic energy production system to meet the energy needs of our slaughterhouse.

Our photovoltaic system has been carefully designed and installed, using high-efficiency solar panels and the latest technologies available on the market. Solar panels are strategically placed on the roof of our facilities, making the most of solar exposure and maximizing clean energy production. This allows us to significantly reduce our dependence on traditional energy sources and reduce the environmental impact associated with electricity production.

The electricity produced by our photovoltaic system is used to power all phases of the meat processing process in our slaughterhouse. From room lighting to slaughter and packaging equipment, to meat refrigeration and preservation systems, the entire process is powered by our clean solar energy.

This sustainable choice allows us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental impact associated with our business, contributing to the fight against climate change. Additionally, using solar energy makes us less dependent on the volatile prices of fossil fuels, ensuring greater stability in long-term energy costs.

Our company is committed to promoting sustainable practices throughout the meat processing industry, demonstrating that it is possible to combine production efficiency with environmental responsibility. We will continue to invest in the research and development of innovative energy solutions, in order to constantly improve our performance and further reduce the environmental impact of our activities.

By choosing our products, consumers can be confident that the meat they purchase has been processed using clean, sustainable energy. Our company is committed to pursuing sustainability as a primary objective, contributing to building a better future for present and future generations.

We are proud to be a company that makes a difference and to be able to offer high quality products, the result of ethical and environmentally friendly production. Your choice to support us means actively contributing to safeguarding the planet. Thank you for choosing us and for joining us on the path to a sustainable future.


  • "La prima Azienda Agricola a vendere online direttamente a casa i propri prodotti freschi."

  • "Ambasciatori del made in Italy da oltre 100 anni."

  • "La vera carne a circuito chiuso (nata, cresciuta e macellata in Azienda), come tanti anni fa."


Inciso nel cuore delle nostre radici, "Corte Preziosa" è il risultato di una storia di famiglia tramandata di generazione in generazione. La passione per gli animali e l'amore per la terra sono stati tramessi di padre in figlio, e oggi, queste antiche tradizioni si fondono con un'innovativa dedizione al benessere degli animali e alla creazione di un'esperienza culinaria davvero unica.
Così, ogni volta che i nostri prodotti entrano nella vostra cucina, portano con sé un'eredità di dedizione, passione e rispetto per la natura. Siamo fieri di offrirvi una carne che è il risultato di una storia di famiglia, di una missione etica che portiamo avanti con onore e orgoglio.
Benvenuti nella nostra "Corte Preziosa," dove gusto e tradizione si fondono in un'esperienza culinaria senza pari.