Box Pollo, Tagliate, Fiorentine e molto altro! Raggiunti 100 Euro di Articoli potrai scegliere quello che desideri ricevere! Non vale sui Box Famiglia!



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ZERO impact

For more than twenty years, Corte Preziosa has been at the forefront of protecting and respecting the environment, a mission that permeates every aspect of our daily existence. We recognize that every choice we make, from housing to transportation, from our lifestyle to eating habits, significantly impacts the environment. With full awareness of this responsibility, our team dedicates itself daily to operations that aim to make a difference.

We are convinced that the future of our planet is in the hands of each of us. Every choice, no matter how small, helps shape the future of the Earth. It is encouraging to observe signs of positive change, witnessed by a growing number of individuals and businesses, including Corte Preziosa, who are actively working to minimize their environmental impact. This commitment is particularly evident in the meat production and consumption sector, which if not managed carefully can lead to significant emissions of CO2, the main greenhouse gas and cause of global warming.

Corte Preziosa has made environmental sustainability one of its fundamental pillars, committing itself to reducing and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. A tangible expression of this commitment is represented by the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roof of our company and all affiliated facilities. This choice underlines our dedication to using clean energy, minimizing the environmental impact of our operations.

Furthermore, Corte Preziosa places great emphasis on the use of recyclable materials, actively contributing to the virtuous cycle of recycling and waste reduction. Choosing a product from our short supply chain is not only an act of sustainability, but also a powerful gesture that generates a global positive impact, similar to the act of planting a seed that brings widespread benefits.

Corte Preziosa is proud of this legacy of care and respect for the environment, a commitment that has been with us for over two decades and which will continue to inspire our every future action. With an ongoing commitment to the use of clean energy and recyclable materials, we are committed to making our significant contribution to improving the environment, ensuring a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.


  • "La prima Azienda Agricola a vendere online direttamente a casa i propri prodotti freschi."

  • "Ambasciatori del made in Italy da oltre 100 anni."

  • "La vera carne a circuito chiuso (nata, cresciuta e macellata in Azienda), come tanti anni fa."


Inciso nel cuore delle nostre radici, "Corte Preziosa" è il risultato di una storia di famiglia tramandata di generazione in generazione. La passione per gli animali e l'amore per la terra sono stati tramessi di padre in figlio, e oggi, queste antiche tradizioni si fondono con un'innovativa dedizione al benessere degli animali e alla creazione di un'esperienza culinaria davvero unica.
Così, ogni volta che i nostri prodotti entrano nella vostra cucina, portano con sé un'eredità di dedizione, passione e rispetto per la natura. Siamo fieri di offrirvi una carne che è il risultato di una storia di famiglia, di una missione etica che portiamo avanti con onore e orgoglio.
Benvenuti nella nostra "Corte Preziosa," dove gusto e tradizione si fondono in un'esperienza culinaria senza pari.